Dacw'r ardal dacw'r hafan

1,2,(3,(4))  1,3.
(Golwg ar y nef)
Dacw'r ardal, dacw'r hafan,
  Dacw'r nefol hyfryd wlad,
Dacw'r llwybr pur yn amlwg,
  'R awrhon tua thŷ fy nhad;
Y mae hiraeth yn fy nghalon,
  Am fod heddyw draw yn nhre',
Gyda'r myrdd sy'n canu'r anthem,
  Anthem cariad iddo fe.

Bynag beth a welodd llygad,
  Neu a deimlwyd îs y rhod,
Bynag beth a glywodd clustiau,
  Neu beth bynag a all fod;
Holl wrthddrychau'r ddaear isod,
  Mewn un fynyd
      darfa 'nghyd,
Er pan cês yr olwg leia',
  Ar Iachawdwr mawr y byd.

Mae fy hwyliau heddyw yn chwareu,
  Yn llawen yn yr awel bur,
Ac 'rwy'n clywed swn caniadau,
  Peraidd baradwysaidd dir;
Ffarwel haul, a lloer, a thrysor,
  Ffarwel ddaear, ffarwel ddyn;
Nid oes dim o dan yr wybren,
  Ag sy'n fawr ond Duw ei hun.

Cauwch lygaid, nac agorwch,
  Ar un gwrthddrych îs y nef;
Craffa f'enaid olwg syml,
  Ar ei ogoniant dwyfol E';
Mae ei hanfod, mae ei enw,
  Mae ei berson sanctaidd pur,
Cuwch oddiar deganau natur,
  Ag yw'r nefoedd uwch y tir.
William Williams 1717-91

Blaenwern (William P Rowlands 1860-1937)
Minffordd / Werde Munter (Johann Schop 1590-1664)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)
Tyddewi (<1869)

gwelir: Bynag beth a welodd llygad

(A look at heaven)
Yonder is the region, yonder the haven,
  Yonder the heavenly, delightful land,
Yonder is the pure path evident,
  Right now towards my father's house;
There is longing in my heart,
  To be today yonder at home,
With the myriad who are singing the anthem,
  The anthem of love "Unto him."

Whatever an eye has seen,
  Or has been felt below the sky,
Whatever ears have heard,
  Or whatever can be;
All the objects of the earth below,
  In one minute they shall
      scatter altogether,
Since I got the least glimpse,
  Of the great Saviour of the world.

My sails are today playing,
  Joyfully in the pure breeze,
And I am hearing the sound of songs,
  Of the sweet, paradisiacal land;
Farewell sun, and moon, and treasure,
  Farewell earth, farewell man;
There is nothing below the sky,
  Which is great but God himself.

Close, ye eyes, nor open ye,
  Upon any object below heaven;
Gaze, my soul, with a simple look,
  On His divine glory;
His essence is, his name is,
  His pure, holy person is,
As high above nature's trinkets,
  As are the heavens above the earth.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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